Sunday, July 12, 2009

One Month In

I just finished my first month as "DOD" at Riverdale UP Church.

God has just blessed me so much. First, the pastor, Allan, is more concerned about my personal spiritual formation than I could have ever asked! He's offering me advice at every step along the way, showing me the ropes, and mostly just being downright encouraging! I couldn't have asked to work under a better man. I already know that the time I'm spending at Riverdale will be used by God to shape the man I'm going to be in the future. One of the coolest things is that Allan repeatedly says to me that he knows that I was called by God to be at Riverdale. Praise Jesus!

Mostly my "work" at Riverdale up until this point has been having meetings with the folks and getting involved in the community. There are a lot of great personalities at Riverdale. It's incredible to see how God brings all the people he wants together, together.

Today, I "lead" my first worship service. I did the greeting, announcements, sermon lead in, prayer, offering, closing prayer and benediction. It was a good first experience, and I feel like it's really helping me to just get "in the mix" at Riverdale. Lots of new people to meet!

As I've said, I can really see God's hand in this whole thing. Two months ago, we would have never know that God was going to bring us here. Yet look at the great doors he has opened! Our Lord is a faithful king, and our obedience to Him is our greatest reward.