Friday, March 5, 2010

Walking the Via Delarosa

Today, we walked the Via Dellarosa, The Way of the Cross. It's quite interesting to contemplate the ways in which everyone is taking things in. Some people are profoundly affected by Church buildings and structures, while others love the contemplative moments such as the Qumram site. The way of the cross is meant to represent the walk that Jesus took to get to the hill on which he was killed. I was struck here as well, but in a different sense.

All along the way there were people hoping to sell things. It was worse than a beach boardwalk. Finally, we got to the church which stands over the place in which Jesus was crucified and buried. Everything was covered with Gold, and I felt unmoved. It was crowded, and people pushed. I was shocked at how people were cutting in line to see the tome of Jesus! After going in and coming out, I remained unphased. Then, my wife came out and gave me a hug, telling me: can you believe that he died for me? Instantly, I was in awe. I had complained about the markets along the way, yet Jesus died for those people. In fact, Jesus probably experience much worse on the way to the cross! Jesus endured scoffing, insults, and hatred. Jesus died for the people who cut in line. I think of those who would rush ahead in a crowd to see Jesus, not caring about anyone or anything. And Jesus died for me. Jesus died for a man who could stand unmoved by the most beautiful act in history, instead taking the time to complain about the problem of the world that he came to fix! God has had mercy on me, Jesus Christ is Lord!

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